How To Clean Whirlpool Dishwasher (Ultimate Guide)

From cleaning the interior to adjusting the water temperature in your home, your dishwasher deserves and necessitates a little tender loving care every now and then.

If you’re looking for simple but effective ways to care for your dishwasher, the tips provided below will assist you in maintaining your appliance and ensuring that it continues to operate efficiently for many years to come.

How To Clean a Whirlpool Dishwasher

Steps To Clean a Whirlpool Dishwasher

1. Remove the Fine Filter and clean it.

You may not be aware of it, but your dishwasher is equipped with a fine filter that is located at the bottom of the machine.

As you might have guessed, the filter collects bits and pieces of food that fall off your dishes while they are being washed in the dishwasher.

Using a filter will prevent debris from clogging your drain or recirculating inside the dishwasher tub.

Unfortunately, if the fine filter is not cleaned on a regular basis, the same thing can happen as in the previous example.

Draining issues and grit left on your dishes after a wash cycle are signs that the filter in your dishwasher is clogged with leftover debris from previous cycles.

Fortunately, a quick soak in warm soapy water followed by a gentle scrub with a sponge will quickly restore your filter’s luster.

If you use your dishwasher at least four times a week, you should inspect and clean the filter once every two months.

If you use it less frequently, you should inspect and clean the filter twice a year, according to the Whirlpool owner’s manual.

2. Examine the gasket on the door.

The door gasket runs along the inside of the dishwasher door on the left and right sides.

It creates an airtight seal, which prevents water from escaping from your appliance during operation.

In some cases, food particles become stuck on the gasket, resulting in gaps in the seal and the possibility of leaks from around your dishwasher door.

Using a soapy sponge or rag to wipe down the gasket at least once a month helps to clear away any buildup of debris.

While you’re cleaning the gasket, take a close look at the rubber to see if there’s any damage, such as small rips.

If you discover a tear, you’ll need to have the gasket replaced.

3. Take a look at the Spray Arms.

Food particles and mineral deposits can clog the small holes in your dishwasher’s spray arms, causing it to malfunction.

Taking the spray arms apart and using a sewing needle or a piece of wire to dislodge food particles stuck in the small holes should be done every few months to keep the spray arms working efficiently.

After you’ve cleaned out the holes, soak the arms in warm soapy water for a few minutes before wiping them down.

4. Dish Racks should be repaired.

The plastic coating on the dish racks in your dishwasher can chip away, exposing the metal underneath, which can corrode and deteriorate.

Slivers of rust can fall off the dish racks and end up in the dishwasher pump if the dishwasher is left in disarray, causing serious damage and necessitating costly repairs.

Inspect your dish rack for any areas of exposed metal, and if any are discovered, touch up the area with dish rack coating paint to make it look new.

5. Deodorize and clean the interior of your dishwasher.

Everyone should clean the interior of their dishwashers, regardless of whether or not their dishwashers are emitting a sour smell or whether or not the inside of their bathtubs appears to be filthy.

Fortunately, the procedure is straightforward and requires only two cups of white distilled vinegar, two cups of warm soapy water, and a clean rag.

To begin, place the vinegar in the center of the bottom dish rack and set it aside.

Close the dishwasher door and begin a short wash cycle in the dishwasher.

As soon as the wash cycle is completed, begin the third and final step by opening the dishwasher door and wiping down the interior walls of the appliance.

Cleaning the bottom inside edge of the door with a rag is then necessary.

This area is notorious for mold growth due to food accumulating in the space between the door and the tub edge, so make sure to thoroughly clean the area before using it.

6. The temperature of the water should be adjusted.

Dishwashing with water that is too cold or too hot will leave your dishes spotted with dried-on food, and using water that is too hot or too cold will waste energy and money.

Water running into your dishwasher should be at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit, but it should not be more than 150 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Whirlpool installation guide.

Putting a glass and a meat thermometer underneath your kitchen faucet and turning on the hot water will allow you to check the temperature of your dishwasher’s water.

Allow the water to run for one minute before checking the temperature with the thermometer.

This will require you to adjust the temperature of your home’s hot water heater if the results are less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit or more than 150 degrees Fahrenheit.


Selecting the Proper Detergent is Critical.

When it comes to keeping your dishwasher in good working order, the detergent does make a difference.

For starters, you should only use dishwasher detergents that are designed specifically for dishwashers.

If you use dish soap to wash dishes in your sink, it is not a suitable substitute.

You run the risk of over-sudsing with dish soap, which can result in water and soap splattered all over your kitchen flooring. You should also stay away from low-cost detergents.

The unfortunate reality is that some of the ingredients in lower-cost powders can end up damaging your dishes and causing unnecessary wear and tear on the components of your appliance.

Keep in mind that powdered detergent has an expiration date, which means that purchasing a large box isn’t always the best option.

If you do decide to buy your detergent in bulk, stop using it as soon as the lumps begin to appear in it.

See if your dishwashing machine is level before you use it.

A dishwasher that is not leveled properly can leak water into the appliance. Use a level to check on your appliance’s legs from time to time to see if they need to be adjusted and make any necessary adjustments.

For your dishwasher to be properly balanced, you will need to either extend or shorten the legs, depending on how far away the small bubble is from the center of the level.

It is important not to ignore warning signs.

Maintaining your dishwasher’s efficiency is critical if you want the appliance to last for a long period of time.

Detecting minor malfunctions early on can help you avoid a larger and more expensive problem later on down the road.

You should never ignore leaks, draining issues, or strange sounds coming from your dishwasher.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, it is recommended that you contact a professional appliance repair technician.

Maintaining your dishwasher on a regular basis is the most effective way to ensure that your appliance is operating properly and efficiently.

Whirlpool dishwashers are a good option to consider because they have over 100 years of experience.

Whirlpool is a well-known manufacturer of home appliances.

If you’re in the market for a new dishwasher, Whirlpool may be a brand you want to consider.

However, with dozens of dishwashers available in their selection, how do you know which one to choose?


The most significant disadvantage of Whirlpool dishwashers is that they are not particularly quiet. They are able to reduce the volume to 47 decibels, which is comparable to a normal conversation. As a result, it is definitely noticeable.

Whirlpool Dishwashers Have a Long Service Life.

You should expect your Whirlpool dishwasher to last approximately 10 years (4). Whirlpool provides a two-year manufacturer’s warranty as well as a ten-year guarantee on parts and labor (5).


Different Models of Whirlpool Dishwashers

Whirlpool offers three different types of dishwashers: front-loading, top-loading, and portable models. Examine the most significant distinctions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

Frontal Command and Control

Front-control dishwashers are distinguished by the presence of buttons and a display on the front of the machine.

This is a classic look, and it also makes the buttons easier to press and see because they are larger.

They are not, however, as aesthetically pleasing as top-control panel dishwashers.


  • A few options for those on a tight budget.
  • Dishwashers have a classic look that is similar to the originals.
  • The buttons are now easier to see on the screen.
  • You can keep track of how much time is left between cycles.


  • It’s not as aesthetically pleasing.
  • You, your children, or your pets may unintentionally press the buttons.


Control at the very top

Top-control dishwashers have their buttons located on the inside of the dishwasher’s inner frame. As a result, before you start your dishwasher, you must first open it slightly, select your setting, click Start, and then close it once more to complete the process.


  • Sleek appearance.
  • More attractive handle options.
  • Curious children and pets are not permitted to play with the buttons.
  • You will not be able to accidentally nudge the buttons.
  • A wide range of pricing options.


  • It’s possible that there isn’t an indicator for how much time is left on the cycle.
  • Because the control buttons are smaller, it may be more difficult to distinguish between them.



Portable dishwashers are usually on wheels or are designed to be portable in order to save on space. Because they are smaller, they are ideal for tiny homes, apartments, and dorm rooms.


  • It is a small package in terms of size.
  • They still have some good characteristics.
  • A few different color options are available.
  • This is an excellent option for singles or couples.


  • Before using them, you must first disconnect them and then reconnect them.
  • They aren’t as roomy as they could be.
  • They are more audible.


How to Select the Most Appropriate Whirlpool Dishwasher

Several factors should be considered when shopping for a Whirlpool dishwasher in order to ensure that you purchase the most appropriate model for your needs.

This includes factors such as size, noise level, design, and a variety of other considerations.


Of course, you want a dishwasher that is the right size for your space. So always measure your existing space and check the dishwasher will fit.

Whirlpool offers standard sizes and slim sizes as well as portable options.

Noise Level

Dishwasher noise levels are measured in decibels. Whirlpool goes down to 47, and their loudest dishwasher is 64 decibels.

If you want something quiet, stick to 47 decibels. But keep in mind this is still a noticeable noise level.


Consider the design of the washing machine. It’s important to consider the aesthetics as well; make sure it’s something you’ll enjoy having in your kitchen for years to come. However, you should make certain that the interior design is practical for you.

Washing Machine Cycles

Dishwashers have a number of different wash cycles. Check to see if the dishwasher has the wash cycles you require. Numerous families find the Eco, Intensive, and Delicate wash cycles to be extremely useful, for example.

Capacity for drying

What is the likelihood of the dishwasher drying properly? It uses either heated dry or condensation dry, depending on the model. Both are effective, but heated dry is a little more effective and is preferred by many of our clients.

The heated dry cycle on Whirlpool dishwashers, on the other hand, is not a particularly popular feature. It appears to be adequate in its performance.

Additional Characteristics

Take a look at the additional features of the dishwasher. The overall experience will be enhanced as a result of this.

This may include features such as cycle memory, a control lock, a dual spray arm, a sensor wash, a status light indicator, and other similar features and functions.


Consider whether or not the dishwasher is Energy Star certified, which indicates that it is both energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

You can also find out how many gallons of water it consumes in a single cycle.

Finally, see if it has an eco cycle, which will use less heat, energy, and water than a conventional cycle. This is suitable for dishes that have been lightly soiled.


Last but not least, double-check the warranty. While Whirlpool provides up to a ten-year warranty on its products, not every distributor does.

So see if you can add on more years, or if you register your product, see if you’ll get more time to complete the task at hand.

You could also inquire with Whirlpool to see if they will honor their warranty even if you purchased the product from a different source.


Top Whirlpool Dishwashers

1. Whirlpool Dishwasher with Fingerprint Resistant Surface

Whirlpool Dishwasher with the Most Stylish Design

Dishwashers can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Check out this fingerprint-resistant dishwasher if you’re looking for a stylish addition to your kitchen appliances.

It is available in several colors, including black, stainless steel, biscuit, and white.

So, regardless of whether your style is modern, bohemian, or cottage core, we believe this dishwasher will complement any interior design scheme!

This product is fingerprint-resistant.

Not only is the dishwasher’s exterior visually appealing, but it is also functionally sound. This finish is fingerprint resistant, which helps to reduce the appearance of stains and fingerprints. This is an excellent choice for families with young children.

There are five wash cycles.

With five different wash cycles to choose from, you can customize your washing experience depending on what you’re washing. Normal, Heavy, Quick Wash, Sensor Wash, and Soak & Clean are some of the options.

Cycle of sanitization

This dishwasher has an NSF-certified sanitization cycle, which ensures that the hot water kills germs and bacteria while the dishwasher is in operation. Your dishes are now as clean as they possibly can be.

This is particularly useful if someone in the family has recently been ill.

Using the Third Rack of Laundry

The third rack does not have its own dedicated spray arm, as does the second rack. As a result, it is only supplied with water by the other spray arms.

This does not always result in a thoroughly cleaned surface.

Exorbitant Cost

You’ll notice that the price of this dishwasher is quite high. Unfortunately, it is below average when compared to other brands, and it lacks the same features that many customers find necessary to justify the high price.

Specifications that are not listed above

  • Top control of the type
  • Level of noise: 47 decibels
  • Washing Cycles Number Five
  • During the drying cycle, the air is heated.
  • 13 place settings are available.


2. Whirlpool Built-In Stainless Steel Dishwasher

Best Whirlpool Dishwasher for Quiet Operation 2.

Whirlpool dishwashers are not among the quietest models available on the market. Their quietest setting is 47 decibels, which is not only quiet but also audible.

Despite the fact that it is one of Whirlpool’s quietest models, it has a number of other outstanding features that we believe set it apart from the competition.

However, in terms of sound, you can turn it on, close the door, and leave the room without it bothering you as you unwind for the evening.

Loading that is adaptable

This is a fantastic option for a family or for people who prepare a lot of their own food from scratch.

If you find that you are having difficulty fitting everything into your current dishwasher, this option will be ideal for you.

It has a variety of loading options, allowing you to cram in every last item you own.

How? It is equipped with a third rack, adjustable tines, and an adjustable upper rack for customization.

Superior Washing is made possible by the use of sensors.

When it comes to cleaning and washing your dishes, dishwasher sensors can make a significant difference. This dishwasher is equipped with two sensors.

One such cycle is the sensor cycle, which selects the most appropriate wash and dry settings for the dishes based on their condition.

There is a soil sensor, which determines how dirty the dishes are prior to adjusting the settings on your chosen cycle, which results in dishes that are absolutely sparkling clean.

Soak and scrub

Despite the fact that this dishwasher has five wash cycles, we believe that the Soak & Clean cycle is the one that distinguishes it from the competition.

This cycle pre-soaks and washes your dishes in a single cycle, dissolving tough food particles and leaving your dishes clean and sparkling.

As an added bonus, you can eliminate the need for pre-rinsing completely.

It isn’t very durable when it comes to drying.

It appears that this dishwasher does not dry well, according to the feedback from customers.

Although the extended dry cycle is beneficial, some people find it to be excessively long, lasting more than three hours.

Installing Can Be Difficult

The inability to properly install this dishwasher is one of the most frequently heard complaints about it.

You can have the supplier install it for you if you so desire.

Customers, on the other hand, reported that even that was a challenge because the dishwasher came without some essential parts.

Specifications that are not listed above

  • Top control of the type
  • Level of noise: 47 decibels
  • Washing Cycles Number Five
  • During the drying cycle, the air is heated.
  • 13 place settings are available.


3. Whirlpool Dishwasher with Built-In Dryer

Whirlpool Dishwasher with the Most Space

Are you looking for a dishwasher that has a little extra room? This large Whirlpool dishwasher will be of great use to the majority of families.

It has 15 place settings, making it one of the largest dishwashers available from Whirlpool, as well as from other manufacturers in the market.

A third rack is also included, which provides additional space in the dishwasher. In addition, the top rack and middle rack are both height-adjustable for maximum comfort.

As a result, you can adjust the height to allow for the most space for taller or shorter items.

Loading that is adaptable

It has 15 place settings, but it also has a flexible loading system, making it ideal for large families. It is possible to customize the layout of your dishwasher for each cycle, ensuring that nothing is left behind after each cycle.

There are three racks, two of which are height adjustable, allowing you to accommodate a wide range of items.

Additionally, the silverware basket is located in the door to free up more space in the racks.

There is a 24-hour delay.

24-hour delay timers are the most convenient because they allow you to program the dishwasher to start at a time that is convenient for you.

For example, if you want to get to bed early, program the dishwasher to start at 5:00 a.m. so that the dishes are clean when you wake up in the morning.

Spray Arm with Total Coverage

If you want your dishes thoroughly cleaned, you can rely on this dishwasher to do an excellent job.

Along with a variety of cleaning features, it also has a TotalCoverage spray arm, which has twice as many jets as a standard spray arm to ensure complete coverage.

A unique sequence of spray patterns using multiple nozzles is also used to ensure that every dish is thoroughly cleaned.

Cleaning of Silverware

Even though having a silverware basket on the door is a convenient feature, it does result in the basket being smaller than normal.

As a result, it may not accommodate all of your utensils.

Additionally, some customers reported that it fell to the bottom of the rack, so you may need to reposition it a couple of times before you find the best spot for it.

Dishes that are wet

This dishwasher does a poor job of drying dishes, especially those made of polyethylene. After the cycles are completed, it uses heated drying as well as a stainless steel tub, but you may still need to air dry or hand dry some dishes.

Specifications that are not listed above

  • Top control of the type
  • Level of noise: 47 decibels
  • Washing Cycles Number Five
  • During the drying cycle, the air is heated.
  • Fifteen place settings are available.

You should care for your whirlpool dishwasher appropriately to ensure that you secure its longevity. If you are unsure of how to properly maintain your dishwasher, please, consult the manual.